0.5 nm). Insets are the corresponding line profile and atom model projection obtained from DFT calculations. (Note: “D” is discharge, “C” is charge.).
Chemistry Materials science Nanophotonics and plasmonics Raman spectroscopy Techniques and instrumentation Nature Reviews Physics (Nat Rev Phys)ISSN2522-5820(online) Sign up for theNature Briefingnewsletter — what matters in science, free to your inbox daily. ...
Metalloproteins have inspired chemists for many years to synthesize artificial catalysts that mimic native enzymes. As a complementary approach to studying native enzymes or making synthetic models, biosynthetic approach using small and stable proteins t
Developing pre-service chemistry teacher's understanding of teaching through argumentation.Journal of Turkish Science Education, 8(3), 105- 119.Tumay, H., & Koseoglu, F. (2011). Developing Pre-Service Chemistry Teachers' Understandings of Teaching through Argumentation. Journal of Turkish Science ...
水滴的初始位置分别位于柱状表面顶端和底部, 柱的高度范围从2~5层石墨烯, 每1个体系弛豫1 ns. 当水初始位置处于凹槽底部时, 水滴的终态始终为Wenzel态, 与柱的高度无关; 当水的初始位置位于柱体顶端时, 水滴的终态与柱体高度有关, 石墨烯层数为2~3层时, 水滴终态为Wenzel态, 而石墨烯层数>4层(13....
水滴的初始位置分别位于柱状表面顶端和底部, 柱的高度范围从2~5层石墨烯, 每1个体系弛豫1 ns. 当水初始位置处于凹槽底部时, 水滴的终态始终为Wenzel态, 与柱的高度无关; 当水的初始位置位于柱体顶端时, 水滴的终态与柱体高度有关, 石墨烯层数为2~3层时, 水滴终态为Wenzel态, 而石墨烯层数>4层(13....
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Tuning Bulk O2 and Nonbonding Oxygen State for Reversible Anionic Redox Chemistry in P2-Layered Cathodes. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202115552. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed] Liu, H.; Gao, X.; Chen, J.; Gao, J.; Yin, S.; Zhang, S.; Ji, X. Reversible OP4 ...
The observation instruments and facilities were constructed per the relevant standards and gradually implemented since August 2017. Network observations provide key hydrometeorological variables and processes at a fine temporal scale and across multiple spatial scales in a spatially nested fashion to ...
This is a consequence of the differences in the hydrate phase assemblage and pore solution chemistry, as well as the pore structure and transport properties, when varying the binder composition, age and curing conditions of the concretes. The carbonation mechanism and kinetics also depend on the ...