In the New Testament (Revelation 2 & 3), think of the letters to the Churches in Laodicea and Ephesus. The Laodiceans thought they were rich, but Jesus considered them “wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked” – worthy of being spit out of His mouth! The Ephesians were doing many ...
Additionally, consider the ever-present risks of influencer brand manipulation. The recent revelation of fake Make America Great Again (MAGA) accounts on X (formerly Twitter) exploiting European influencers’ identities (Polglase et al.,2024) underscores the critical importance of authenticity in influe...
It is an apologetic of the true revelation of God. 5 May 2024: Significance of the family This shows the Biblical importance of the family. It is a necessary background to the recent controversy about Alistair Begg. 28 April 2024: A simple exposure of the 9/11 conspiracy A complete ...
In that line of thinking,whenever you read on this website, have Scripture at hand. There will be many verses copied here, but also many that are only referenced with a book, chapter, and verse. If you do not stop to read the referred-to passages you will miss much of what is being...
In the next chapter it states that the tribe of Dan was looking to fulfill there inheritance by conquering an area of land near the home of Micah. They come across the city of Laish. It is stated that the people who dwell there are a people secure, and there is no want of any good...
I'm letting you have this dynamo of revelation for... Wait for it... Wait for it... Only $9.97 That's Right Just... $9.97 WHY? Because I'm crazy??? No - I'm not going insane. It is becausemy priority in writing this book isNOTto make money but to inform people who are...
This is how we come to know Him, (as contrasted in 14:21-24) so that He can say, “Enter in, thou good and faithful servant.[x]” Having learned how to build upon the rock of Christ through personal revelation and love for others in the service of our Master. In so doing, we ...
“With this foundational revelation completed, and so, too, their foundational role as witnesses, the apostles and, along with them, the prophets and other associated revelatory word gifts, pass from the life of the church.”² In sum, although this is not a biblical or theological argument...
Notice in both the Revelation and Matthew accounts of judgment, the accused stands alone before God. The person being judged is alone. The priest that told them to say three “Hail Marys” and their sin would be forgiven is not there. The preacher who told them that if they were sprinkled...
What bothered me was the next revelation he announced. Which was this; GA’s kids are now accepted to BYU no matter what their grades were in high school. Yes, that’s right they could be the laziest kids in the world, but they will be admitted to a school that turns away bright ...