A property of matter created by the movement of electrons. This "movement" is initiated usually by a generator fueled by any number of energy resources such as coal, uranium, water (hydropower), or directly converted from solar radiation in photovoltaic cells. Electricity is not energy per se,...
In the two decades since the debut of the Digital Earth (DE) vision, a concerted international effort has engaged in nurturing the development of a technology framework and harnessing applications to preserve the planet and sustain human societies. Evolutionary threads can be traced to key historic...
• The annual strategy session helps directors better appreciate our progress on strategic plans and planning priorities. 5. D IRECTORS – NOMINATION, TENURE, ASSESSMENT AND COMPENSATION • The Governance and Nominating Committee uses the results of assessments to recommend the mix of ...
Given the complexity of the Region, it should be remembered that there is also another subdivision, made for tourism purposes. The Veneto’s municipalities have in fact been grouped institutionally into five types, defined as Districts: (1) Seaside, (2) Mountain, (3) Thermal—Spa, (4) Lake...
Land use or transport policy options are accessed as input variables relating to the district plans, the urban design framework and ―design upgrades‖, the urban growth boundary, transport infrastructure provision (e.g., new light rail), public transit service (e.g., service quality), travel ...
Land use or transport policy options are accessed as input variables relating to the district plans, the urban design framework and “design upgrades”, the urban growth boundary, transport infrastructure provision (e.g., new light rail), public transit service (e.g., service quality), travel ...