Many authors are unsure of whether to present the mean along with the standard deviation (SD) or along with the standard error of the mean (SEM). The SD is a descriptive statistic that estimates the scatter of values around the sample mean; hence, the SD describes the sample. In contrast...
Body mass indices and restrained eating behaviors (i.e., cognitive dietary restraint, uncontrolled eating, and emotional eating) were assessed for members of 144 same-sex couples (72 lesbian and 72 gay couples; mean age = 33.74 years, standard deviation = 11.27 years). Results indicated that ...
Figure 2: Mean and standard d 38、eviation (vertical bars) of the activation values (output of the sigmoid) during supervised learning, for the different hidden layers of a deep archi- tecture. The top hidden layer quickly saturates at 0 (slow- ing down all learning), but then slowly ...
In all cases the ExF (or ExFM) significantly outperforms the accessibility and the eigenvalue centrality (difference in mean correlations greater than the standard deviation of the higher mean). It typically outperforms the k-shell, significantly outperforming it in 82 cases, showing equivalent ...
Two microworlds, or playgrounds, have been implemented so far: the Distribution Playground allows the user to form and manipulate continuous probability distributions, to see many aspects of a distribution, and in a game format to refine intuitions about mean and standard deviation. The Sampling ...
We used person averages (mean scores) of daily variables to analyze them as independent variables (between-person problem-solving pondering) and as control variables (e.g., between-person sleep efficiency) on the between-person level. Our repeated measures design of daily creativity as a ...
In Study 1 we show that university students who have just taken a statistics course nevertheless have difficulty taking both mean and standard deviation into account when thinking about a statistical scenario. In Study 2 we show that presenting the same scenario with an accompanying gesture to ...
Calculate the mean and standard deviation of the residuals. Calculate the test statistic by dividing maximum absolute deviation from the mean by the standard deviation: Compare the test statistic to the following critical value: , wheretα,T-i-1is the two-sided critical val...
The features and labels were centred to zero and scaled using their mean and standard deviation, respectively. Train-test splitting was performed randomly and the size of the train sets are mentioned in the caption of each parity plot or table in the main text and the Supplementary Notes. All...