xkw_069384257 关注 资料 707 专辑 1 销量 4.4万 浏览量 54.7万 查看更多 推荐资源 1 Unit 6 Nurturing Nature Understanding ideas 课件-2024-2025学年高二英语外研版(2019)选择性必修第一册 2024-10-12发布 2 Unit 6 Nurturing Nature Understanding ideas 课件-2024-2025学年高二英语外研版(2019)选择性必修第一...
Before you crash, better have Geico Not eenie-meenie, man, I'm strapped with a micro (Strapped with a micro) And it's stuck to me like Velcro Stuck in the streets, spend time try to let go (Try to let go) Still serving gas at the Citgo ...
Languagepoints:Importantwordsandexpressions 1.claimv①宣称;声称Scientistsareclaimingamajorbreakthroughinthefightagainstcancer.科学家们宣称攻克癌症已有重大的突破。②索要;索取Sheclaimeddamagesfromthecompanyfortheinjuryshehadsuffered.她因受伤向公司要求获得损害赔偿金。③夺走;夺去(生命)Thecarcrashclaimedthree...
Here is another car-crash of journalism from NMA news. Just from watching the video you will actually know what they are talking about, as it is amusing to read the English “jokes” left in (teabaggers, the news ticker) but it’s actually interesting to read and listen to the Chinese ...
Let’s face it, none of us can control the value of the stock market.This lack of control can be pretty unsettling.It’s like you’re in the passenger seat of a car that’s speeding a bit too fast – exciting but definitely nerve-wracking. ...