Zech. 4:1-2: "Now the angel who talked with me came back and wakened me, as a man who is wakened out of his sleep. And he said to me, "What do you see?" So I said, "I am looking, and there is a lampstand of solid gold with a bowl on top of it, and on the stand ...
Their mental operations are there all the time, like floating visions; but until the understanding turns inward upon itself, reflects on them, and makes them the objects of its own thoughts, they won't make deep enough impressions to leave in the person's mind clear, distinct, lasting ideas...
Theo: While one is asleep, even without dreams, one always has some faint sensing going on. Waking up is itself a sign of this: when someone is easy to wake, that is because he has more sense of what is going on around him, even when it isn't strong enough to cause him to wake...
It brings us to the heart of the matter: are dreams idle visions or do they express truths of which we are barely conscious in our daylight lives; truths that at other times and in other places and cultures are accessible to consciousness, because of different attitudes towards the importance...
Understanding Dreams, Visions and PropheciesDaniel Affi
Presents a discussion on dream imagery and describes how dream symbols have a spiritual meaning and can be interpreted as messages or warnings from God.Perry StoneTim LundeenCreation House
Dreams of Chaos, Visions of Order: Understanding the American Avante-garde Cinema, 1994, 212 pages, James Peterson, 0814324576, 9780814324578, Wayne State University Press, 1994DOWNLOAD
Thus, northern notions of wilderness are built on three interrelated visions. First, nature-with-minimal-human-impact must come to be seen as something of great value, in this case cultural and spiritual value. Second, it must come to be seen as in short supply or in the process of ...