然而,通过大量系统性实验,研究者们发现经典理论无法解释为什么大型神经网络在实践中能够良好泛化。 具体而言,《Understanding deep learning requires rethinking generalization》这篇文章的实验表明,使用SGD方法训练的用于图像分类的最先进的卷积神经网络可以轻松拟合随机标签。 这种现象在使用正则化技术的情况下没有明显变化,...
论文: Understanding Deep Learning Requires Rethinking Generalization 论文来自:ICRL2017 BEST PAPER AWARD 原文地址 转载请注明出处:学习ML的皮皮虾 - 知乎专栏 深度人工神经网络通常拥有比训练样本数量更多的模型参数,然而一些模型却表现出更好的泛化能力(small generalization error,generalization error指的是train error...
『 论文阅读』Understanding deep learning requires rethinking generalization,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
《UNDERSTANDING DEEP LEARNING REQUIRES RETHINKING GENERALIZATION》阅读笔记 文章结论:神经网络极易记忆训练数据,其良好的泛化能力很可能与此记忆有关。 正则化不是模型泛化的根本原因。 泛化能力是指模型在训练集上的误差能否够接近所有可能测试数据误差的均值。泛化误差:测试数据集误差和训练数据集误差之差。 论文的cont...
Understanding deep learning requires re-thinking generalizationZhang et al.,ICLR’17 This paper has a wonderful combination of properties: the results are easy to understand, somewhat surprising, and then leave you pondering over what it all might mean for a long while afterwards!
内容提示: U NDERSTANDING DEEP LEARNING REQUIRES RE -THINKING GENERALIZATIONChiyuan Zhang ∗Massachusetts Institute of Technologychiyuan@mit.eduSamy BengioGoogle Brainbengio@google.comMoritz HardtGoogle Brainmrtz@google.comBenjamin Recht †University of California, Berkeleybrecht@berkeley.eduOriol Vinyals...
Understanding deep learning requires rethinking generalization. In International... C Zhang,S Bengio,M Hardt,... - International Conference on Learning Representation 被引量: 317发表: 2017年 Understanding deep learning (still) requires rethinking generalization Understanding deep learning requires rethinking...
1.1 Supervised learning Figure 1.1 Machine learning is an area of artificial intelligence that fits mathematical models to observed data. It can coarsely be divided into supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning. Deep neural networks contribute to each of these areas. ...
书名《Understanding Deep Learning》,版权信息见图。 中文为deepl翻译,理解为主,有疑问的单词会标出。up主只是一个搬运工,偶尔记录自己理解,欢迎探讨。 第一期:先把目录读明白。 理解深度学习 Simon J.D. Prince 2023.01.31 版权声明 1.5 Ethics 道德;伦理 ...
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