Climate, in: Workshop Report on Exploring Science Needs for the Next Generation of Climate Change and Elevated CO2 Ex- periments in Terrestrial Ecosytems, 14-18 April 2008, Arlington, Virginia, experiments.pdf (last access:...
Home > List of Issues > Table Of Contents > Adapting Cities to Climate Change: Understanding and Addressing the Development Challenges, edited by Jane Bicknell, David Dodman and David Satterthwaite, London, Washington DC : Earthscan, 2009, ISBN 9781844077458 (hbk.), ISBN 9781844077465 (pbk.), ...
Doing so led to fundamentally new ways to study the response of climate models to perturbations, and to perform detection and attribution for climate change signals. Hasselmann’s programme has been extremely influential in climate science and beyond. In this Perspective, we first summarize the main...
UnderstandingClimateScience RichardWolfsonandStephenH.Schneider Schneider,S.H.,A.Rosencranz,andJ.O.Niles, (eds.),ClimateChangePolicy:ASurvey,Island Press,WashingtonD.C.,2002. issueswhoseunderstandingisessentialtofullcitizenshipinthedemocratic processofthetwenty-firstcentury. ...
Nature Climate Change (Nat. Clim. Chang.)ISSN1758-6798(online)ISSN1758-678X(print) Sign up for theNature Briefing: Anthropocenenewsletter — what matters in anthropocene research, free to your inbox weekly. Email address Sign up I agree my information will be processed in accordance with theNat...
Edgar: Improving research and understanding of climate change through public engagement and educationClimate change is occurring and research on climate change and its potential impacts is largely remaining in the scientific literature. Similarly, there is a vast amount of largely untapped knowledge of ...
Biodiversity Climate Change and Adaptation生物多样性,气候变化,适应 热度: 充分发挥财会职能 热度: 相关推荐 Vo1. 42No. 1 。 妊 稻蝮 科学认识东北气候变暖 充分发挥水稻适应潜力 张卫建 ,陈 金 ,陈长青 (1中国农业科学院作物科学研究所,北京 100081; 2南京农业大学应用生态研究所,南京 210095) 摘 要:...
At multi-millennial time scales the spectrum of the Pleistocene climate is composed of a set of narrow band spectral modes attributed to the regularly varying changes in insolation from the astronomical change in Earth’s orbit and rotation superimposed on a continuous background generally attributed ...
Nature Climate Change volume 7, pages 423–427 (2017)Cite this article 18k Accesses 687 Citations 176 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract Changes in extreme precipitation are among the most impact-relevant consequences of climate warming1, yet regional projections remain uncertain due to natural ...
(Fig.S2). These differences may be attributed to the complex interactions of regional climate change. When considering the effects of SR, different trends emerge (Fig.S3). A preseason length of 0–20 days is critical for SOS effects, while a broader preseason length of 0–60 days affects ...