Drug Therapy, CombinationDose-Response Relationship, DrugHypertensionStrokeMiddle AgedMedication Adherence[Article in German]doi:10.1007/s15006-013-0882-4by John RoddenMMW Fortschr MedMmw Fortschritte Der MedizinUnderstanding Animal Farm. Rodden,John. . 1999...
We can’t deal with the whole report, so we will mention one example from the chapter on agriculture (PDF here) as we have been considering the effects of elevated CO2 on plants. This example will demonstrate the lying propaganda, and the disregard and crafty twisting of the evidence; and...
Four types of activities that affect animals: implications for animal welfare science and animal ethics philosophy People affect animals through four broad types of activity: (1) people keep companion, farm, laboratory and captive wild animals, often while using them fo... D Fraser,A Macrae - ...
The Indonesian government policy aims to fill this gap between production and demand by, among others, increasing the number of dairy cattle on smallholder dairy farms (from 2–3 to 7 heads per farm) (Kemenko Ekon 2016). Policies targeted at smallholder farms may have significant effects on ...
Astrid Lindgren, the famous author of the Pippi Longstocking stories and a driving force behind animal welfare reform in Sweden, proposed: "Let [farm animals] see the sun just once, get away from the murderous roar of the fans. Let them get to breathe fresh air for once, instead of manur...
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” At The Truth About Cancer we talk a lot about what causes cancer, and the foods that fight cancer and lower your cancer risk. Now I’m going to talk to you about known, scientifically proven, cancer causing foods that actively increa...
They are thought to reflect a negative affective state of the animal5. In contrast, rats emit short “50-kHz” vocalizations (35–72 kHz) in positive situations as induced by social play5,6, during sexual interactions7 or during gentle tactile stimulation8. 50-kHz vocalizations are thus ...
6.dothetrick 奏效,达到预期效果 7.concentrateon 集中精力于;全神贯注于 8.asfor 至于 ,关于 9.takeoff 脱掉 ;起飞 ;迅速流行 10.inneedof 需要 11.onaweeklybasis 每周 ;按每周一次的标准 12.moreoftenthannot 通常 ,多半 13.doagreatjob 干得很棒;尽职尽责 Ⅳ .重点句式补全 1.句型公式 :what引 导...
About this chapter Cite this chapter Lee, N. (2015). Understanding Terrorism. In: Counterterrorism and Cybersecurity. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-17244-6_3 Download citation .RIS .ENW .BIB DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-17244-6_3 ...
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