I’ve been looking at the figures for twenty years now, and a couple of quick calculations last night showed a driver to vehicle ratio of 1.19 now to 1.14 in the early 2000s. (Might have been the other way round, but either way confirms that most black cabs in London are ‘singled’...
Total Cost of Ownership often changes over time. Logically, your annual repair costs for an automobile will rise as it ages, as will the cost of servicing the car based on inflation. Make sure you factor in expected changes in costs over the lifetime of the vehicle....
These calculations showcase that ABC Company has more than enough liquidity to meet its current liabilities. The strong liquidity ratios suggest the company is in excellent financial shape. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. Invest Smarter with The Motley Fool Join Over Half a Million Premi...
Ms. Edeker used the illicit funds to pay for her car, home utilities, and mortgage. As with many types of criminal endeavors, Ms. Edeker was pursued for filing fraudulent tax returns. In addition to the embezzlement and making false statements about the money she diverted, the IRS found ...