The camera body is the foundation of your photography setup, housing vital components such as the image sensor, viewfinder, and shutter, which allows you to take a picture. It is the skeleton of your camera, shaping its physical form and defining its capabilities. The design and arrangement of...
电影机(Cinema camera)上使用的CMOS sensor一般是14bit位宽的,如果以RAW格式存储会消耗很大的存储空间。很多电影机产品支持把RAW格式变到RGB空间后压缩成10bit位宽的log格式,进而变换到10bitYUV空间进行编码,可以节省存储和带宽。目前主流电影机品牌都推出了自己的log标准。 Sony ~ S-Log2 和 S-Log3 Canon ~ C-...
当镜头对焦不良时称为失焦(out of focus),以拍摄人像为例,如果聚焦最清晰的区域在人的前方,则称为“front focus”。反之,如果人身后的区域聚焦最清晰,则称为"back focus"。 在正常情况下,camera的视野(Field of View, FOV)里总会有一些物体是清晰的。拍摄时要把镜头对焦到拍摄的主体(subject)上来。 多数镜头...
Not only is a full-frame sensor on a Canon camera likely to be a slightly different size than a sensor on a Nikon FX camera, but even next-generation cameras of the same line can employ different sensor sizes. That means the field of view will be different in each case. Focal length,...
3D scene from an input image (or a set of multi-view images), whereby the contents of the image(s) are causally explained in terms of models of instantiated objects, each with their own type, shape, appearance and pose, along with global variables like scene lighting and camera parameters...
Multi-view projection techniques have shown themselves to be highly effective in achieving top-performing results in the recognition of 3D shapes. These methods involve learning how to combine information from multiple view-points. However, the camera view-points from which these views are obtained ar...
This allows viewers to select a field camera view and participate during live events. ATSC 3.0 is even branching out into cloud applications. Its capabilities can be used to implement hybrid services without reconstructing existing infrastructure. Cloud solutions allow companies to implement hybrids into...
VISUALIZING FLARE WITH THE DEPTH OF FIELD PREVIEW The appearance and position of lens flare changes depending on the aperture setting of the photo. The viewfinder image in a SLR camera represents how the scene appears only when the aperture is wide open (to create the brightest image), and so...
Field of View Creative Uses of Focal Length Compress Space Expand Space Capture Action Exaggerate Movement Move the Camera 1 Understanding Focal Length THE BASICS OF LENS FOCAL LENGTH 1.1 FOCAL LENGTH ESSENTIALS The basics of lens focal length ...
Each camera had a focal length of 105 mm. SAR-Ship-Dataset [Dataset] [Intro] [Note] 中国科学院空天信息研究院王超研究员团队构建的多源、多模式的SAR船舶切片数据集; 102 Chinese Gaofen-3 images and 108 Sentinel-1 images; 43,819 ship chips of 256 pixels in both range and azimuth; 59535 ...