epidermidis to independently produce malodor with distinct odor characteristics.These results showcase the power of skin metagenomics to study host-microbial co-metabolic interactions, identifying distinct pathways for odor generation from sweat in pre-pubescent children and teenagers and highlighting key ...
We further show that the Pseudo-DXA body composition results are surrogate measures to DXA by comparing DXA and Pseudo-DXA to metabolic blood markers. Pseudo-DXA was only achievable due to 1) the availability of large datasets, over 1000 sets, that included matched 3DO and DXA, 2) advances ...
Although there are only a few known results of mammalian experiments, the roles of EVs derived from mammalian fallopian tubes are mainly clear. It has been reported that EVs secreted by the oviduct can prolong the survival time of embryos and improve embryo quality[75]. Studies have proven ...
These stratifications of body mass index are used to operationalize weight status as objectively as possible based on meaningful WHO norms that account for gender and age on the basis of a quarter year. Differences are calculated using z-tests56. Post-hoc power of the results was simulated via...
The results indicated that 4 levels of the less understanding, the partial understanding, the general understanding, and completed understanding were identified. Children 6-years old could appreciate animal reproduction and distinguish animal with (inanimate) objects in terms of reproduction. In addition,...
to get the most pleasant results, you want your camera separation to match the separation of your eyes. However, it is very difficult to do, because your final output could be on a (relatively) small 50’’ 3D TV or a very large IMAX screen. In both cases, the distances between the ...
Body Composition and Energy Needs during Growth Characterizing changes in body composition is a means for understanding the process of growth and change in function that affect nutritional needs as growth proceeds. Anatomic divisions are rather obvious, e.g., organ mass and muscle ... MA Holliday...
Results presented in Figure 5a clearly show that the Figure 5. Comparison of content levels of cell wall components in different cell types of corn stover. a: Lignin; (b) cellulose. 292 Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol. 108, No. 2, February, 2011 Figure 6. Two-dimensional Raman ...
The results showed that short leukocyte telomeres in untreated patients were associated with a high risk of pancreatic cancer [84]. These results suggest that when using leukocyte telomere length (LTL) as a biomarker, other confounding factors such as body size, diet, age and other stratified ...
43, 44 However, how glycogen depletion affects the series of events and ultimately results in fatigue are not fully understood. Metabolic factors Muscle contractions activate ATPases and promote glycolysis, thus leading to an increase in intracellular metabolites, such as H+, lactate, Pi and ROS,...