Cultivating Ecological Literacy: A Critical Framework for Understanding and Addressing Mis‐ and Disinformationcritical informaticsecological literacylocus of changemisinformationsocial shaping of technologyThis conceptual paper highlights limitations within existing approaches to mis and disinformation and offers a ...
Teaching and learning linear algebra for both mathematics and non-mathematics majors provides an opportunity for cultivating and embracing problem-solving, logical reasoning, and computational thinking skills, which are essential in various areas of science and engineering requiring solid knowledge of linear...
In Africa, farmers start cultivating with the first rain as they are unsure of how long the rain will last (Sakapaji 2021; Wekesa et al. 2015; Filho et al. 2022) and crops are weeded earlier than in the past (Wekesa et al. 2015). Crop rotation and intercropping are the most ...
Cultivating Compassion:It takes a lifetime to develop compassion; it starts with self-awareness, sensitivity, and a willingness to show others kindness and understanding. People can learn to be more empathetic and compassionate toward others and themselves by engaging in mindfulness, loving-kindness, ...
I apply this framework of ecoliteracy as it is defined within the interdisciplinary contexts of rhetoric and composition, linguistics, and Chicana/o studies. Ecoliteracy refers to individuals' abilities to assess semiotic and discursive networks within their communities with the goal of cultivating ...
Heritage education has garnered significant interest in the educational community. This interest aligns with the realisation that effective heritage conservation and sustainability depend on cultivating public awareness and a sense of responsibility toward heritage, a purpose best instilled through education [...