Understanding Analysis 作者:Stephen Abbott 出版社:Springer 出版年:2015-5 页数:312 定价:USD 59.99 装帧:Hardcover 丛书:Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics ISBN:9781493927111 豆瓣评分 8.2 45人评价 5星 51.1% 4星 33.3% 3星 8.9% 2星 6.7% 1星
Understanding Analysis 《Understanding Analysis》是2016年Springer出版的图书,作者是Stephen Abbott。
Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics(共154册),这套丛书还有 《The Lebesgue-stieltjes Integral》《Excursions in Number Theory, Algebra, and Analysis》《Mathematics and Its History (A Concise Edition)》《Mathematics and Its History》《Geometry by Its History》等。 喜欢读"Understanding Analysis"的人也喜欢...
Abbott - Understanding Analysis (Springer, 2001) 热度: Preface MyprimarygoalinwritingUnderstandingAnalysiswastocreateanelemen- taryone-semesterbookthatexposesstudentstotherichrewardsinherentin takingamathematicallyrigorousapproachtothestudyoffunctionsofareal ...
understanding analysis作为入门还可以,深度不太够,如果要看这本看完之后再去看看Pugh的real mathematical...
我在美西一所普通大学,数学分析用的understanding analysis这本书,不知道书上的定理对于本科数学分析来说...
In each chapter, informal discussions of questions that give analysis its inherent fascination are followed by precise, but not overly formal, developments of the techniques needed to make sense of them. By focusing on the unifying themes of approximation and the resolution of paradoxes that arise ...
Understanding Analysis (Stephen Abbott) 热度: Abbott - Understanding Analysis (Springer 2001) 热度: Abbott - Understanding Analysis - Instructors´ Solution Manual 热度: 相关推荐 Preface MyprimarygoalinwritingUnderstandingAnalysiswastocreateanelemen- taryone-semesterbookthatexposesstudentstotherichrewards...
我在美西一所普通大学,数学分析用的understanding analysis这本书,不知道书上的定理对于本科数学分析来说...