This paper is aimed at 3D object understanding from 2D images, including articulated objects in active vision environment, using interactive, and internet virtual reality techniques. Generally speaking, an articulated object can be divided into two portions: main rigid portion and articulated portion. ...
This article describes a novel fusion of a generative formal model for three-dimensional (3D) shapes with deep learning (DL) methods to understand the geometric structure of 3D objects and the relationships between their components, given a collection of unorganized point cloud measurements. Formal ...
In this way, the avatar, the simulacrum, precedes and shapes our identity in the virtual world. It becomes the standard against which our virtual self is defined and judged. Furthermore, our interactions and experiences in the virtual world are often determined by our avatars. The actions we ...
- Boundary extraction from 2D/3D shapes - Geometric deep learning on 3D and higher dimensions - Generative methods for parametric representations - Novel shape descriptors and embeddings for geometric deep learning - Deep learning on non-Euclidean geometries - Transformation invariant shape abstractions -...
Multi-view projection techniques have shown themselves to be highly effective in achieving top-performing results in the recognition of 3D shapes. These methods involve learning how to combine information from multiple view-points. However, the camera view-points from which these views are obtained ar...
- 2806 aerial images from different sensors and platforms; - Image size: 800 × 800 to about 4000 × 4000; - objects with a wide variety of scales, orientations, and shapes;- 15 common object categories;- DOTA contains 188, 282 instances; - Labeled by an arbitrary (8 dof) quadrilateral...
Use attachments to place 2D content relative to 3D content in an immersive space. Transforming RealityKit entities using gestures Build a RealityKit component to support standard visionOS gestures on any entity. Models, shapes, and meshes Use mesh-based models to display virtual objects in your scen...
3d). The COF fragments in Fig. 3a,b are saturated with additional hydrogen atoms and the NICS maps resemble those of the monomers in Fig. 2. The NICS values of all fragments are added in Fig. 3c. Interestingly, this yields values very similar to the ones of a completely closed 2D COF...
This limitation hinders the model’s ability to fully comprehend 3D shapes and adversely impacts the text–image fusion in a shared latent space. To this end, we propose a novel approach called Differentiable rendering-based multi-view Image–Language Fusion (DILF) for zero-shot 3D shape ...
In particular, MM was insensitive to both shading and perspective cues, such that he did not readily perceive shaded circles as being concave or convex and was unable to identify shapes depicted by 2D line drawings. Further, he was not susceptible to the Shepard tables illusion (where ...