34 动名词和不定式的详解,区别和用法,看几遍再也不会用错啦GERUND or INFINITIVEWhen and How to Use them 11:45 和老外打招呼不要老说how are you,大家耳朵都听出老茧了,学习这些表达听起来更地道 DO NOT say how are you 09:09 【中英cc双字幕】利用好字幕是提升听力非常好的方法之一,8种最佳提升听力...
如何了解句子(How to understand sentences) How to understand sentences Predicate object structure: Subject: can be used as subject component nouns (such as boy), nominative pronouns (such as you), infinitive, gerund etc.. The subject is usually at the beginning of the sentence. Note that the ...
I think you know this part, but: when you combine two verbs, sometimes the second one is in the infinitive, sometimes it's in the gerund, and sometimes it can be either, but then sometimes the meaning changes. The determining factor is the first verb. There isn't a simple rule or ex...
15. to perform or present publicly: to give a concert. 16. to cause; be responsible for (usu. fol. by an infinitive): They gave me to understand that you would be there. 17. to care about something to the value or extent of (something signifying “even a little bit”): I don't...
14. to make, do, or perform: to give a lurch. 15. to perform or present publicly: to give a concert. 16. to cause; be responsible for (usu. fol. by an infinitive): They gave me to understand that you would be there. 17. to care about something to the value or extent of (so...
如何了解句子(Howtounderstandsentences) Howtounderstandsentences Predicateobjectstructure: Subject:canbeusedassubjectcomponentnouns(suchasboy), nominativepronouns(suchasyou),infinitive,gerundetc..The subjectisusuallyatthebeginningofthesentence.Notethat thesingularformofanounisoftenseparatedfromthearticle! Predicate:...