czasowniki regularne ER 2. entender entender (e/ie) El mono, habiendo tirado cocos a todos los animales por diversión, no podía entender por qué de repente le expulsaban de la selva. Es más fácil escribir un poema malo que entender uno bueno. Puedo entender el alemán igual de...
Regular adherence to such behaviors can reduce diabetes complications [6]. Three self-management behaviors demonstrating improved glycemic control are physical activity [7], healthy diet [8], and regularly monitoring blood glucose levels [9]. In fact, poor glycemic control has been attributed mainly...
However, few genotypes have free-threshing called naked (hulless) caryopses. Hulled barley is mainly used in animal feed because of its higher yield, mainly due to the fact that the hull protects embryos from damage during mechanical harvesting. Even barley for brewing is covered, because the...