aBy the way, I understand that 钱总 may be able to obtain for me the driving licence without examination, except that I do not know the cost involving. Are you able to clarify with him at appropriate time? However, forget it if it is going to be substantially higher. 顺便说一句,我了解...
The three forms of facing unfamiliarity are not oppositional, but rather constitute related experiences of becoming and being involved in a shared experience, driving behavioral and cognitive engagement. Although experienced intensity and involvement varies individually, our understanding is that it played ...
using sensitizing concepts derived from our conceptual model. This provided us with a general sense of reference and guidance in approaching our data (e.g., G. Bowen,2006). Both authors coded part of the data and discussed the codes together until consensus was reached. ...
Many respondents with unpredictable daily routines worked in the informal economy, including stealing, collecting scrap metal, driving unlicensed taxis, and day labor (primarily construction). When working in the informal economy, respondents often encountered different people throughout the day and day-...
The lack of employment opportunities was reported to be especially prevalent for those who “don't know the language well,” with one woman describing how the situation was “driving [her] into depression” as she was “falling behind comparing to the conditions [she was] living in [her] ho...