Generally speaking, underscores are allowed in email addresses. However, usage of underscores differs from one email provider to the next. For example, many large providers like Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail do not allow email addresses to contain underscores. In addition, some services may place restri...
You cannot see the underscore in the above example. However, you know there is an underscore because email addresses and usernames cannot contain spaces. These were the uses of the underscore sign. Now that you know them, it is time to practice! Read and do exercises. Get Updates, Special...
Jarvis, running in Azure Automation<BR> <BR> PS. I tried to tweet you but didn't get a reply, so I sent you this e-mail instead. DS. "@ $SMTPCred = Get-AutomationPSCredential -Name 'SMTPAuthCredential' $MailMessageParams = @{ 'To' = Get-AutomationVariable -Name 'MyEmailAddress'...
Is there an iPhone AT&T GPS application for example, or MobileTV app? Apple demanded they be allowed to create their own closed wall garden and AT&T has left them alone in that regard. Also since every other phone already has MMS built in, AT&T has never had to create a MMS app for ...
A screenshot to get you an idea on how to use it: (Device names are in Swedish, sorry…) This module is now published at the PowerShell Gallery. You can get the latest version atthis link.
Some native iPhone apps seem to run just fine in the background. For example, playing tunes with the iPod app, then doing other tasks, no problem. Music keeps playing just fine, and I can adjust the volume. I've even (accidentally, not sure how I did it) called up a mini-iPod ...
For example you might mkdir -p some/really/long/path and then decide to mv some_file $_ to move a file to the new directory you just created. By the way, it’s a good idea to quote your variables and I always like using braces in scripts but for ad-hoc commands when ...
generally speaking, underscores are allowed in email addresses. however, usage of underscores differs from one email provider to the next. for example, many large providers like gmail, yahoo and hotmail do not allow email addresses to contain underscores. in addition, some services may place ...
And we should be logged in. When building something like this we should make sure though. This can easily be done by looking for that “You have been logged in!”-text in the dump.htm-file, for example with the “Select-String”-cmdlet. And while we’re at it, why not delete the...
generally speaking, underscores are allowed in email addresses. however, usage of underscores differs from one email provider to the next. for example, many large providers like gmail, yahoo and hotmail do not allow email addresses to contain underscores. in addition, some services may place ...