If an investment is underperforming, it is not keeping pace with other securities. In a rising market, for example, a stock is underperforming if it is not experiencing gains equal to or greater to the advance in theS&P 500 Index. In a down market, a stock that is a falling faster than...
"less than in age, price, value," etc., late 14c. As an adjective, "lower in position; lower in rank or degree" from 13c. Also used in Old English as a preposition meaning "between, among," as still inunder these circumstances, etc. (though this may be a different root; compare...
Other forms: underperforming; underperformed; underperformsDefinitions of underperform verb perform less well or with less success than expected “My stocks underperformed last year” synonyms: underachieve see more verb perform too rarely “Her plays are underperformed, although they are very good”...
“Although it seems as though Congress will have a Republican majority, historically this doesn’t mean that this will hold back positive trends in the markets. Since 1982, the annual average output of the S&P 500 has been 12% in either type of government, meaning that there wasn’t any d...