如下代码,在 xeLaTex 编译正常,在 LuaLaTex / pdfLaTeX 编译时显示结果出错。\documentclass[UTF8, 10pt]{ctexart}\usepackage{CJKfntef}\begin{document}\CJKunderline{增加下划线}\CJKunderline[hidden=true]{增加下划线}\end{document} 你总是一副不开心样子 这 1 texdoc xeCJK, sec 3.6 xeCJKfntef 用法说明...
Latex常用数学符号 115阅读 4 查看更多题目 $\dfrac{\underline{\qquad}}{4}+\dfrac{3}{2}=5$ 反馈 收藏 有用 解析 免费查看答案及解析 本题试卷 数线-相反数-绝对值练习题 2877人在本试卷校对答案 1 6页 每天0.1元解锁完整试卷 最低仅¥0.1 思路解析 本题详解 答案:$17$ 开学特惠 开通会员专享...
\underline{} 如何换行显示结果,https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/159995/to-have-underline-in-two-lines#159996...
thshu.com/stu/ExamWeb/latex/latex/short-underline />/260468/ND07M7PG/keGzml0w/10000116-团斯坦之梦教程试卷截止时间2024-12-02 23:07:15题目数50总分数100说明 万物之理——爱因斯坦之梦期末考试提示:选择题选项顺序随机排列,若要核对答案,请以选项内容为准第3部分 总题数:2037 [判断题](2分)半导体的...
Got a bunch of new requests from CSAS re our SR this time. This one (and one more) I'm not sure how to fix. I tried using \href{url.address}{text} but that didn't work. I also tried wrapping this in \underline{}, and also putting \underi...
PPResume 更新: No Vendor Lock-in,对所有简历提供完整的 LaTeX 源代码 我们最近上线了一个重大功能,就是对所有在 PPResume 上的简历提供完整的 LaTeX 源代码,避免用户被厂商锁定( No Vendor Lock...
Linking Verbs: Underline the Linking Verb in each sentence.( 1 ) The big computer is very fast.( 2 ) The orange block is at the bottom of the stack.( 3 ) The teacher seemed confused by the question.( 4 ) The brown suitcase looks heavy.( 5 ) My dog’s fur smells bad all the ...
%!TeX program = pdflatex \documentclass{article} \usepackage{zhmCJK} \setCJKmainfont{simsun.ttc} \usepackage{CJKfntef} \def\CJKulineleftskip{0.1em} \def\CJKulinerightskip{0.1em}\begin{document} \varCJKunderline{南朝}\varCJKunderline{梁}\varCJKunderline{劉勰} \end{document}图片...