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(2015) reviewed the existing optical fiber sensor methods, commercially available or under development in the field of air quality monitoring, in particular NO2 that is representative of toxic automotive pollution, as well as flaming fire detection and combustible gas leak detection (in particular ...
Hydrogen leak detection using an optical fibre sensor for aerospace applications. Sens. Actuators B Chem. 2000, 67, 57–67. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Monzon-Hernandez, D.; Luna-Moreno, D.; Martinez-Escobar, D. Fast response fibre optic hydrogen sensor based on palladium and gold nano-...
from deposited wastes in underground coal mines. Further, mine water geochemistry may pose an environmental risk, regardless of the interaction with wastes, since possibly substantial amounts of mine water may need to be discharged into receiving waters or may infiltrate surface-near groundwater ...
Fixed a connection leak with the MySQL region code. Fixed/wg reloadsometimes not applying new changes right away. Changed the region removal command so that child regions are no longer removed without warning when removing the parent region. ...
The gear boxes do not leak and is ready to go to the field. Category 2 hitch and takes a minimum of 45 horsepower to run it. Feel free to contact me with questions.Used Allis Chalmers 2 Row NO TILL Corn Planter, 3 Point Hitch, CAN SHIP CHEAP This is a Used Allis Chalmers 2 ...
Any of those conditions can lead to a costly repair job or even abandonment of the storage well since UGS fields are often strategically located close to large urban areas, where it is particularly important to have leak-free wells [9,83]. Wireline logging with sonic and ultrasonic tools is...