For example, the test-retest reliability has not been investigated in previ- ous studies, which is essential to prove the stability of the measure [11]. In addition, something that is often over- looked in the validation process is how the measure is culturally acceptable and applicable [11]...
An interdisciplinary laboratorial proposal for the undergraduate level and spring 机译:胆固醇酯化中作为绿色催化剂的粘土:通过热分析方法的光谱表征和多晶型物鉴定。针对本科水平的跨学科实验室建议 Eusébio M. Ermelinda S. ,Maria Teresa M. R. ,Nunes Rui M. D. - Quimica nova - 2009 3.Argilas ...
A recent report from PCAST on STEM education [21], for example, cited “uninspiring introductory courses” as a major reason for the low attrition rate among students in sciences. The same report recommends the “diversification of teaching methods” as a solution to this problem. Young and ...
The authors have developed a framework proposal for undergraduate systems engineering education as a stream of studies forming part of a Bachelor of Engineering program in any discipline of engineering. This proposed framework has been developed with the intention of use broadly across many universities...
For example, a Saudi womanstarted attending college very recently. Her obedience not only to her family traditions and values butto the rigidity of the law of the country in general makes her to be perceived as a passive and inactivemember of the society. Surprisingly, the opposite was shown...
For example, Dominique described “learning how to handle giant crabs” and later remarked that “thankfully, [he] hasn’t had to do that since”. Matt described learning how to write computer code as being the major portion of his URE, however he discussed “never making it a skill for...
already. Another explanation could be that curriculum coordinators find that in the communication lies the biggest educational gap. Surprisingly, we found no other differences between the different groups of panel members. We had expected, for example, that experts in palliative care would have higher...
For example, many employees in the gaming facilities or hospitality industry were not well educated. Students with a better understanding of the industry would easily develop negative attitudes towards the industry. The proposed measurement scale will help evaluate and identify university–industry ...