Student Loans: Grad School vs. Undergrad More iStockphoto Prospective grad students need to learn about financial aid for graduate school, even if they borrowed as undergrads. Graduate students have a leg up on the financial aid process. According to one study, the...
He would like to do graduate work at an Ivy or other high-level program, eventually earning his PhD and doing work in theoretical astrophysics. He has been accepted to SUNY Stony Brook, UB (SUNY @ Buffalo), RIT, and UofR. Would your choice/rank of these programs change if money were ...
Student Loans: Grad School vs. Undergrad More iStockphoto Prospective grad students need to learn about financial aid for graduate school, even if they borrowed as undergrads. Graduate students have a leg up on the financial aid process. According to one study, the best pa...