For past statistics, visit our Past Underage Drinking statistics page. It's a Matter of Life and Death – Don't Drink and Drive Underage drinking affects millions of families every year. That's why it's important to discuss the dangers of teen drinking, peer pressure, and driving or ridi...
Excuse Rejected: Statistics See photo credit 35 below. Do they really think people under 21 stand around at underage drinking parties puzzling, “Gee, Sherlock, why do you suppose they impose the drinking age on us instead of imposing tougher drunk driving laws on themselves?” “Duh, I ...
While it is true that “In most countries around the world where alcohol is legal, the legal drinking age is eighteen”, the author states that alcohol can still have more negative effects on those under the age of twenty one than adults. The author provides many statistics, such as “...
Underage essaysMinor Drinking and why its not right Minor drinking can cause many different problems in fact according to preliminary estimates, in 2000 there were 5,702 youth between the ages of 16 and 20 killed in motor vehicle traffic crashes. Teenag