For past statistics, visit ourPast Underage Drinking statistics page. It's a Matter of Life and Death – Don't Drink and Drive Underage drinking affects millions of families every year. That's why it's important to discuss the dangers of teen drinking, peer pressure, and driving or riding...
Although federal law prohibits any person under the age of 21 from consuming alcohol, underage drinking remains a common offense in the United States.Each year, approximately 5,000 deaths occur as a direct result of underage alcohol consumption. With such staggering statistics, it’s easy to un...
Free Essay: In the teenager community which I’m a member of, people don’t are responsible, and can’t take anything serious. Underage drinking is a serious...
Underage essaysMinor Drinking and why its not right Minor drinking can cause many different problems in fact according to preliminary estimates, in 2000 there were 5,702 youth between the ages of 16 and 20 killed in motor vehicle traffic crashes. Teenag