【Under The Sea】海底世界【Fun Kids English】中英字幕来源于网络#早教益智启蒙#儿童动画片小视频 #从零开始学英语#儿歌 Under The Sea | Marine and Sea Animals Song for Kids | ESL for Kids | Fun Kids Eng, 视频播放量 9
霍华德·阿什曼Howard Ashman (lyrics)For the song "Under the Sea" 奥斯卡奖-最佳配乐艾伦·曼肯Alan Menken 《小美人鱼》(The Little Mermaid)是于1989年由华特迪士尼所制作的第28部经典动画长片,是由丹麦作家汉斯·克里斯蒂安·安徒生于1836年发表的童话作品《美人鱼》所改编。此部动画的初稿始于1988年9月23日,...
歌曲Under The Sea/《在那海底》片尾中文版,小美人鱼2023,结尾附中文版配音表 238 -- 3:59 App 【伴奏】under the sea 小美人鱼 225 -- 3:13 App 小美人鱼Under the Sea迪士尼画面&Raven-Symoné演唱 4236 1 4:23 App 小美人鱼-川顿暴怒摧毁爱丽儿珍藏 7.6万 84 3:16 App 小美人鱼-爱丽儿《Part...
Under The Sea (Kids Dance Party 2 Album Version) - The Party Cats Yes Oh yeah Fade faith I feel salt of it no The seaweed is always greener In somebody else's lake You dream about going up there But that is a big mistake Just look at the world around you Right ...
《HB kids英语故事儿歌》90 - 61 Under the Sea,本视频由风魔手里剑提供,0次播放,有0人点赞,0人对此视频发表评论,好看视频是由百度团队打造的集内涵和颜值于一身的专业短视频聚合平台
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Under The Sea (Kids Dance Party 2 Album Version) - The Party Cats Yes Oh yeah Fade faith I feel salt of it no The seaweed is always greener In somebody else's lake You dream about going up there But that is a big mistake Just look at the world around you Right ...
歌手:The Party Cats Under The Sea (Kids Dance Party 2 Album Version) - The Party Cats Yes Oh yeah Fade faith I feel salt of it no The seaweed is always greener In somebody else's lake You dream about going up there But that is a big mistake Just look at the world ...
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