Under the Sea Decorations: Constructing the Mood of the Ocean When it comes to the venue makeover to an underwater paradise that is again dependant on the minute aspects. In this section decoration ideas that will make the soon to be mom’s Under the sea baby shower feel like an adventure...
Provides party tips and recipes from Ann Cain and Missy Buchanan for throwing an `Under the Sea' party. Crab Spread; Sea Mist; Shrimp with Pasta Primavera; Ginger-Cinnamon Carrots; Strawberry-Spinach Salad; Nautical Knots; Surf-and-Sand ...
(1) Skim the text and get the main ideas of part 1 and part 2? Part 1: The killer whale helped whalers catch another whale. Part 2: The killer whale protected people. (设计说明)理解文章主旨和段落大意的能力是英语高考阅读理解部分经常检测的一种能力,这种能力要靠平时的训练和积累,通过归纳总结...
Unit3Underthesea I.单元教学目标 技能目标SkillGoals ARetellastoryandmakeitintoaplay ▲Readastoryanddescribetherelationshipbetweenanimalsandhumans AReviewthePassiveVoice(2)(includingthe-ingform) ▲Writeaparagraphtocomplainpolitelybasedondialoguesaboutblameand complaint n.目标语言 Blameandcomplaint I'msorrybut....
Unit 3 Under the sea教案设计 浙江省湖州二中 邵宁宁 1.指导思想与理论依据 (1) 指导思想 本课题努力将新课程的理念融入教学之中,将语言知识与学生的现实生活紧密联系;将课堂教学放在具体的语言情景之中;把听、说、读、写语言技能的训练综合运用于课堂教学之中。通过探究法、观察法和发现法,让学生发挥主观能动...
gold.The islanders used special stones to get energy from the sun,moon and stars to produce power.Their brains were so developed that they could understand what animals said. The story of Atlantis was first told by Greek philosopher(哲学家) Plato as proof(证据) of his ideas about social ...
万山区第一中学高中英语Unit3Underthesea单元要点小结课后作业含解析新人教版选修7.doc,Unit 3 Under the sea 单元要点小结 Ⅰ.单词集训 A.词形转换 1.The government has tried to raise the public’s awareness (aware) about environmental protection. 2.Id like s
I’m very glad to be here to share my teaching ideas, I’m No._ Nice to meet all of you! Today, my topic isUnder the sea. To get a better understanding of my teaching plan, I am going to analyze the lesson from 6 parts: Analysis of the teaching、teaching aims、the key and ...
Getthemainideasofthetwoanecdotes.describesahuntingexperienceabouthowthekillerwhaleshelpedthewhalerstohuntawhale.tellsabouthowakillerwhaleprotectedandsavedJames,awhaler.ThefirstanecdoteThesecondoneSummary DiscusstherelationshipbetweenOldTomandthewhalers.Thendiscusswhatotheranimalshelpouthumansinhunting. ...
1、To arouse students’ interest in the lesson. 2、To created a relaxed atmosphere in the class. 3、To lead in today’s topic. Reading (about 35') Task1:Check the homework for preview. 1、Read the text as fast as possible to get the main ideas of the two anecdotes. 2、Scan the ...