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A chisel was used to dig into the fluid-filled subsurface at the deep-sea hydrothermal vents within the East Pacific Rise, a volcanically active ridge in the Pacific Ocean.ROV SuBastian/Schmidt Ocean Institute The extent to which animals live in the crustal subseafloor is ...
More similar stock images Fish Overview of a European weather loach Red fishes very excited on water Piranhas The Brown Trout and a big Northern Pike. Dangerous Red-breasted Piranha Barracuda fish Shoal of Arctic Grayling (Thymallus arcticus) ...
Aquatic animals won’t hold still for your shot, so take as many as possible, shoot quickly and worry about composition in post-production. With a wide-angle lens, you’re more likely to capture that colourful fish or fleeting manta ray somewhere in the frame. Crop your images and make ...
A.identify new species of plants and animalsB.provide the precise location of sunken shipsC.evaluate the cost of seeking certain resourcesD.promote the development of deeper waterways" /> The Land Under the Sea Ten thousand years ago,as the last ice age ended,sea levels around the world ...
1 What is happening to the area according to the satellite images? Aral Sea is becoming smaller and smaller/shrinking. 2 What do you think a later satellite image would show? 3 What do you think caused these changes? Look at the picture and answer the questions. 1 What animals can you ...
Jellyfish.Love them or hate them, they are bizarre but interesting aquatic animals to photograph. With an estimated 2000 species worldwide, they can be found in every ocean around the planet in a considerable range of sizes. An under/over shot at a small Jellyfish lake that had an entrance...
Inside the dome, visitors gaze down at huge stonestele– T-shaped columns weighing around five tonnes each, with carvings of wild animals on the sides. They date to the pre-Pottery Neolithic Age. That’s around 9600-8200 BCE. In 2018, UNESCO recognized Göbeklitepe as the first manifestati...
underwater animals can be in helping to learn more about life under the sea. Oliver Shipley, a scientist from the team, says animals like tiger sharks are going to take us to new places that we didn't know existed.28. Why do seagrass meadows urgently need protection? A. Damaging them ...