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daonrdderorlodtesrizleotdescirzeeasde ewcrheialesethewchyiclele ttihmeecinycclreeastiems emairngcirneaalsley.s Itmraerflgeicntasltlhy.aIttwrehfelencatsrtehtaatilwerhwenanatsrettoaiolpertiwmaiznetsthtoeiorpptriomfiitz,eththeeyirwpilrlohfiatv, tehteoymwainllahgaevtehteo cmloaundaygpeatrhaemc...
Table 1. The classification accuracy of SVM models using full spectra. Sample VaTriaebtyle 1. The classiCfi1cation accuGra2cy of SVMCaml.o3d(%el)s using fullPsrpee. 4c(t%ra). Cv. 5 Maize 1 SaMmapizlee V2 ariety C2255166..0000 13G..70432 Ca87l18. ..35437(%) Pre. 4 68.15 6...
TrehdeuaciemthoefnDumambeargoe-f1lowada–sutnoloaandalcyyzceletshien eofrfdeecrt toof mstienaidmyizleohadyst,ewrehsislepthheenoamimenoaf. Damage-2 was to reduce the number of load–unload cycles in order to minimize hysteresis phenomena. Nanomaterials 2017, 7, 413 Nanomaterials 2017, 7, 413 ...
Considerin7g3.6the similarity of the microenvironment inside the concrete structure between the realistic environment and the test enviIrnonthmeeenxtisatnindg tchaerbaocnceizleartaiotinontesatnsdtarnedpaeradtasb, itlhiteyvoaflutehse ocfacrabrobnoantiodniotxeisdte, acotnecset nstyrsatteiomn oafreannot...