Under the Bridge: Created by Quinn Shephard. With Lily Gladstone, Vritika Gupta, Chloe Guidry, Javon 'Wanna' Walton. Fourteen-year-old Reena Virk went to join friends at a party and never returned home. Seven teenage girls and a boy were accused of the s
Under the Bridge: Criado por Quinn Shephard. Com Lily Gladstone, Vritika Gupta, Chloe Guidry, Javon 'Wanna' Walton. Reena Virk, uma menina de quatorze anos, foi se juntar aos amigos em uma festa e nunca mais voltou para casa. Sete meninas adolescentes e
Under the Bridge《桥下杀人事件(2024)》第一季第一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx 《桥下杀人事件(2024)》是一部基于真实事件改编的小说,讲述了女孩因自私而受到惩罚,或因为无故受到惩罚的故事。这部小说充满了恐怖和奇幻元素,同时也在探讨了人类自私和贪婪的问题。标题:桥下杀人事件(2024)作者:约瑟夫·史密斯·麦克林...
Under the Bridge: Créé par Quinn Shephard. Avec Lily Gladstone, Vritika Gupta, Chloe Guidry, Javon 'Wanna' Walton. Reena Virk, une jeune fille de quatorze ans, est allée rejoindre ses amis à une fête et n'est jamais rentrée chez elle. Sept adolesce
内容提示: 《桥下杀人事件》前情提要 Previously, on Under the Bridge... 对于瑞娜·维尔克的死 For the death of Reena Virk, 从 1 到 10 你认为你要负的责任是几分 on a scale of one to 10, how responsible were you 凯莉要负的责任是几分 and how much was Kelly? 我 3 分 凯莉 7 分 ...
内容提示: 《桥下杀人事件》前情提要 Previously on Under the Bridge... 是 是我 我在桥边的巴士站 Yeah, it's me. I'm at the bus stop by the bridge. 跟妈说我很快就回家 Tell Mom I'll be home soon. 我们到桥下面去 Let's go under the bridge. 你女儿为什么会跟寄养家庭那边的人混 Now...
Under the Bridge《桥下杀人事件(2024)》第一季第六集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,前情提要 Previously, on Under the Bridge... 瑞娜·维尔克被谋杀前的一个晚 Reena Virk was attacked at a Shoreline school event 在海岸线学校的活动中遭到袭击 earlier in the evening b
Under the Bridge (2024) TV-MA Crime 4.5 /5 Release Date April 17, 2024 Cast Riley Keough , Izzy G , Chloe Guidry , Ezra Faroque Khan , Archie Panjabi , Vritika Gupta , Javon Walton , Aiyana Goodfellow , Lily Gladstone , Anoop Desai Main Genre Biography Seasons 1 Stud...
Under the Bridge《桥下杀人事件(2024)》第一季第八集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,《桥下杀人事件》前情提要 Previously, on Under the Bridge... 对于瑞娜·维尔克的死 For the death of Reena Virk, 从1到10 你认为你要负的责任是几分 on a scale of one to 10, how respon
Under the Bridge: Creado por Quinn Shephard. Con Lily Gladstone, Vritika Gupta, Chloe Guidry, Javon 'Wanna' Walton. Reena Virk, una niña de catorce años, fue a reunirse con sus amigos en una fiesta y nunca regresó a casa. Siete adolescentes y un v