under-ice plumesgeochemical tracers[1] Spring floods carry Alaskan river water north to a frozen Beaufort Sea. A plume of water from the Sagavanirktok River (SR) was identified and traced by measuring salinity, 18O, and dissolved silica in discrete water samples collected beneath landfast ice...
but one of the two right parties were the xenophobes, and one of them, Hilmar Kabas*, is the guy who conducted those "security checks" (his word) in brothels with the party's credit
Holocene fluctuations in Arctic sea-ice cover: dinocyst-based reconstructions for the eastern Chukchi Sea Cores from site HLY0501-05 on the Alaskan margin in the eastern Chukchi Sea were analyzed for their geochemical (organic carbon, 未13Corg, Corg/N, and CaCO... JL Mckay,AD Vernal,C Hi...
Locating Oil Spills Under Sea Ice Using Ground-Penetrating Radar The accelerating level of interest in arctic oil and gas exploration was demonstrated in the overwhelming response to recent lease sales in the Alaskan OCS... John H. Bradford, Lee M. Liberty, and David F. Dickins - 《Leading ...
current atmospheric CO2concentration of ~410 ppm will be increased by ~24% or to ~508 ppm. This result is in line with the close association of temperature with atmospheric CO2concentration revealed by ice cores56. However, it should be highlighted that different estimates of current SOC stocks...
白令海(英文名:Bering Sea;法语名称:Mer de Bring(俄语为Beringovo More)是太平洋沿岸最北的...
ICE Enterprises Inc Horst Engineering & Manufacturing Co Stiles Machinery Inc Diversified Machine Systems Revert Inc Russ Bassett Corp Tapco International Corp Bevolo Elusive Wildlife Technologies LP Evolutia Crucial Technology GS Global Resources Inc Kenco Hydraulics Inc Hyspan Precision Products Inc Macro ...
I can also tell you thattepais a traditional food of the Alaskan Yup’ik people, and consists of fish heads that have been mixed with their eviscerated innards and left to ferment.Tepa, for obvious reasons, is also known asstinkheads. (Recipe in full, courtesy of the Alaska Department of...
In light of the rapid melting of Arctic ice and the thawing of permafrost due to climate warming, freshwater run-offs from the Arctic cryosphere to coastal Arctic ecosystems are projected to increase by nearly 10–30 % by the end of 2100 (Walsh et al., 2005). Since run-offs are associat...
The Soil Atlas opens with a reminder that 90% of Alaskan soils, 60% of Russian soils and 50% of Canadian soils are frozen. The presence of ice greatly affects the characteristics of soil, with frost mixing the layers into chaotic patterns. These structures remain after warming — the testimo...