Free vibration analysis of ocean cables is performed based on the initial equilibrium configuration. Numerical examples are presented and discussed in order to demonstrate the feasibility of the present finite element method and investigate dynamic characteristics of ocean cables. 展开 ...
California, and map multiple known and previously unmapped submarine fault zones, part of the San Gregorio Fault system. They also were able to detect steady-state ocean waves—so-called ocean microseism
We dived through the exhibit and got into an artificial garden of underwater algae, with leaves made of shiny metal attached to cables. They were held in an upright position by large blue buoys. Divers swim through the sculptural installation, MUSAN, Cyprus. Photo by Andrey Bizyukin Diving ...
Detailed mapping of the seabed is increasingly important for the laying of vital communications cables that connect different regions of the world and the installation of ocean based energy infrastructure. Knowing the contour and makeup of the seabed strata is critical to safe and reliable cabling, ...
Hydrus Functionality in the Field: Unveiling the Depths of Ocean Intelligence In October 2023, Advanced Navigation deployed its micro hovering autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) Hydrus off Rottnest Island, Western Australia. The purpose of the mission was to capture high-quality still imagery and 4K...
[From the time of Caesar until the the 13th Century we find little or no mention of the use of anchor chains. Between 1200 and 1700 A.D. we read that iron cables are sometimes used. The statutes of Genoa of 1444 make brief mention of “iron anchor chains.” An engraving of 1512 sho...
The FloWave Ocean Energy Research facility was co-funded by the EPSRC through the grant number EP/I02932X/1. The tidal turbine model was developed under the EPSRC-funded SuperGen UK Centre for Marine Energy Research (grant number EP/M014738/1). The authors are grateful to the EPSRC and ...
and MrEllis, Chief Engineer of the Burmah Oil Company. It was essential in war time to use terminology that conveyed nothing to the enemy. Furthermore, the use of the words pipe and pipeline was forbidden, all concerned with the project being encouraged to think of cables rather than pipes...
英语翻译A burst of activity associated with the laying of submarine cables soon confirmed the challenger's observation that many parts of the ocean were two to three miles deep,and the existence of underwater features f considerable magnitudeand
Fossen, T.I.: Guidance and Control of Ocean Vehicles. Wiley, Hoboken (1994) Google Scholar Fossen, T.I., Lekkas, A.M.: Direct and indirect adaptive integral line-of-sight path-following controllers for marine craft exposed to ocean currents. Int. J. Adapt. Control Signal Process.31(4)...