Defining PHI Under HIPAA According to the HIPAA Journal, PHI refers to any individually identifiable information about a patient’s health status (past, present, and future), future provision of health care, or payment for health care created or collected by a covered entity. What constitutes ...
OCR issues guidance for the proper de-identification of PHI under HIPAALinn Foster FreedmanKathryn M. Sylvia
TheHIPAA Security Rulerequires covered entities to implement policies and procedures for the removal of electronic PHI from electronic media before that media can be re-used, in addition to policies for how electronic PHI is stored and deleted. HIPAA also requires covered entitie...
Office of Civil Rights Releases Guidance on De-Identification of PHI Under HIPAA Privacy RuleJames R. Kalyvas
OCR Issues Guidance on Methods for De-Identification of PHI under HIPAALappas, Julie