词典结果 under editorial consideration 编辑审议
百度文库 其他 manuscript under editorial considerationmanuscript under editorial consideration manuscript under editorial consideration翻译为:手稿正在编辑考虑中。©2022 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算服务 | 使用百度前必读 | 文库协议 | 网站地图 | 百度营销 ...
发现不是这么回事,“under editorial consideration” 表示现在进入editor初步决定的时候了,要么送审,要么...
稿件状态通常显示为 “Reviewer invited(邀请审稿人中)”“With reviewers”、“Under review”、“Undergoing peer review”(审稿中)或“Under editorial consideration”。 审稿完毕后,期刊主编或编委会根据收集的评审意见做出最终决定。稿件状态通常显示为“With Editor(等待编辑决定)”,“With AE(等待副编辑决定)”,...
状态就是manuscript received 直接到mannuscript under editorial consideration? 这是不是不正常?
Hi, everyone! I submitted a paper to a journal a month ago. I am confused and anxious about the changes of status: "Submission" and "Under consideration" at the same time "Under consideration" for almost a month "Under editorial consideration" and "De
如果论文在这一轮被拒稿,很快会得到通知,一般只需要几天时间。如果论文处于“under consideration”的状态已有一段时间,这可能是编辑正在努力寻找恰当的审稿专家。不但是有时候可能是论文需要被送去外审。 投稿sci论文整个过程以及遇到的状态可能是这样: Manuscript Submitted/Manuscript received by Editorial Office——...
naturemethods期刊Manuscriptundereditorialconsideration31stMar22Manuscriptunderconsideration30thMar22EditorAssigned30thMar22Manuscriptreceived30thMar22Manuscriptsubmitted30thMar22 论文投稿 交流
Manuscript under editorial consideration "Subchronic toxicity of copper oxide nanoparticles and its attenuation with the help of a combination of bioprotec... In the copper metallurgy workplace air is polluted with condensation aerosols which a significant fraction of is presented by copper oxide partic...
3.“Submitted to Editorial Office”或“Submissions Being Processed”此状态出现在过程“2”完成之后,一般耗时1~2天。4.“Submissions with a Decision”或“Manuscripts No Longer Under Consideration”此状态表面你的文章不幸被拒。一般在技术编辑审核之后的一周内出现,如果没有出现此种状态,恭喜你,...