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Under Armour- Always going forward - Since 1966, Under Armour has been at the forefront of performance apparel. Starting from a singular t-shirt, Under Armour now operates on a global scale, offering clothing, trainers, accessories, and much more. Endorsed by the world's best athletes like ...
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Under Armour是美国著名的运动品牌,以专业态度和创新精神为其品牌赢得了赞誉。产品包括运动内衣、篮球鞋、跑鞋等运动服饰装备。这款男士训练鞋紧致的内靴设计及带抽绳鞋带,很好的包裹双足。弹力鞋帮配有孔眼,增强透气性。全掌EVA鞋垫及Cushioned EVA中底有很好的缓震性能。橡胶外底提供牵引力和耐磨性。
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Home under-armour womens Women's Under Armour Shoes, Trainers & Clothing Performance apparel without compromise; stay cool, dry and light during any activity, in Under Armour shoes, trainers and clothing for women. Express yourself as an athlete as you excel at your chosen sport. Our range ...