While in my first delusion — no children. I didn’t want them. I wouldn’t have time for them and I had never felt maternal in the slightest. My sister would be the one to have 2.5 babies, a dog, and a house with a white picket fence. My high rise, luxury apartment building wo...
She nodded like what he’d said was very sensible and placed a hand on his thigh, just above his knee. He focused his attention on the hand and on keeping his face completely still. The sea at Chowpatty wasn’t yet toxic. The foam was still white, and waste didn’t bob in the wat...
“She arrived on a train and was on her first Hollywood set three hours later. In a world where aspiring actresses give up by the dozens each day … Mercy Windsor’s rags-to-riches … is the stuff of legends. ,,, Who would take on a 10-minute black-and-white scene in the last s...