All that I’ve written about Fowler on this blog, I wrote in order to get the word out as well as I could so that others wouldn’t fall prey to her. I’ve had quite a few people contact me with their own horror stories who wouldn’t go public for various reasons. I’ve had pr...
There is no single industry today that was not impacted by this pandemic in any way, and there are many heartbreaking stories of people losing their jobs due to the unforseen circumstances at this point of our lives. The same story goes for the people behind our favorite stage and theater ...
Social media company X is in the process of hiring 100 content moderators for a new office in Austin, Texas that will focus on fighting child abuse content, a goal it hopes to complete by the end of the year, an X executive said on Saturday. The Elon Musk-owned company announced ...
Green collar industry would naturally target the young workers who are up to date on the high-tech nature of green jobs, and much research and development would, as with most budding industries, take place at academic research institutions like public universities – a two-for-one stimulus in ...
” In a city of entrepreneurs, it’s not hard to see where that attitude fits in. “I am an entrepre-neur at heart,” says Paradise, who is the senior vice president for Fiorella’s Jack Stack Barbecue. “I am most proud of the jobs I have created here in our city.” His start...
They’re hiring! I work for a Best Company!’ Botox? Wine bars? 13 unusual perks 15 firms with no layoffs – ever! 25 top-paying companies 8 wacky jobs: ‘Duck Guy’ to veggie coach Top 10 for job growth Most diverse employers ...
jobs to help pay the bills and will recieve my first paychecks on the 23rd of december however we wont be able to provide anything for our son for christmas. We were un-employed for too long in between. My son tells me “My medicine helps me be good,santa just has to come and see...
Imagine that a girl dies at the age of 18 in front of you because of Malaria.” - General practitioner/reproductive health, Aden The absence of important supplies not only interfered with health workers’ ability to do their jobs and their sense of self-efficacy, but also cultivated tensions...
One long-term consequence of Steve Prowler's high-profile arrest may be an increased hiring of Filipinos as English teachers in Bangkok. Thanks to the disproportionate number of white male perverts working here, schools may take another look at all ...
Shadow inventory coming online in 2012 is going to have the biggest impact on the housing market. With a weak jobs report that shows a labor force that declined by 164,000 you realize that demographic trends are now in full play here. With banks now ...