如果standalone_static_library是项目特有的,并且没有在其他地方定义,你可能需要在binding.gyp中直接定义它。 如果它是从某个构建系统或工具链中继承的,确保你的构建环境已经正确设置。 结论 解决“undefined variable standalone_static_library”的问题通常涉及检查binding.gyp文件的定义和格式,确保所有变量都已正确定义...
I think you are mistaken.ccwill not be executed unless you are targeting the host system, in which case Zig will attempt to integrate with your system's C installation by default. So my take away here is thatprepackaged zig binaries aren't really standalone, they have a context dependency ...
(include: /usr/local/include, library: /usr/local/lib/liblmdb.dylib) -- Found LevelDB (include: /usr/local/include, library: /usr/local/lib/libleveldb.dylib) -- Found Snappy (include: /Users/phynix/anaconda/include, library: /Users/phynix/anaconda/lib/libsnappy.dylib) -- CUDA detected...