Expression Error: Undefined value used in expression (could be an out of range array subscript?) Adrian VHUG Community Beginner , Apr 18, 2024 Copy link to clipboard Copied Hi, I'm following this tutorial by ECAbrams https://...
I used the slider control, I tied everything, the size changes depending on the value, but it doesn't work at all with the color. It keeps giving the same errorError: Undefined value used in expression (could be an out of range array subscripte?...
"./hellocfg.cmd", line 84: error #10104: undefined symbol "HWI_RESET" used in expression "./hellocfg.cmd", line 85: error #10104: undefined symbol "HWI_INT1" used in expression "./hellocfg.cmd", line 86: error #10104: undefined symbol "HWI_INT2" used in expression "./hellocfg....
这是一个列车停站方案优化模型,结果需要的是所有列车在各站是否停站的解,1表示停,0表示不停。model:!旅行损失时间最小;sets:STATION/1..7/:T,Z;!车站集合,属性:停站时间,服务频率下限;TRAIN/1..5/:C,D;!列车集合,属性:定员,起讫里程;LINK1(STATION,STATION)|&1 #LT# &2:s,Q;!
lingo显示check for undefined indices and/or conditions in expression:4错误信息是啥意思!model:sets:wh/1..5/;vd/1..4/;LINK(wh,vd):c,x;endsetsData:c=66.8,57.2,78,70,67.475.6,66,67.8,74.2,7187,66.4,84.6,69.6,83.858.6,53,59.4,57.2,62.4;enddatamin= @sum(link:c*x);@for(wh(i):...
查找发现__Vectors在.s文件中存在,makefile里也已经包含该文件,但是仍然指示这个错误。 通过对比keil_v5目录下的gcc_arm.ld文件,发现下述部分是没有的 __Vectors_End = .; __Vectors_Size = __Vectors_End - __Vectors; __end__ = .; 在自己的库中这个部分虽然定义了但并没有被使用,而.s文件中已经有...
1lingo显示check for undefined indices and/or conditions in expression:4错误信息是啥意思!model:sets:wh/1..5/;vd/1..4/;LINK(wh,vd):c,x;endsetsData:c=66.8,57.2,78,70,67.475.6,66,67.8,74.2,7187,66.4,84.6,69.6,83.858.6,53,59.4,57.2,62.4;enddatamin= @sum(link:c*x);@for(wh(i)...
改成这样 model:sets:var/1..5/;link(var,var):c,x;endsets data:c=3 8 2 10 3 8 7 2 9 7 6 4 2 7 5 8 4 2 3 5 9 10 6 9 10;enddata min=@sum(link:c*x);for(var(i):@sum(var(j):x(i,j))=1);for(var(j):@sum(var(i):x(i,j))=1);for(link:@bin...
Anundefinedvalue will be returned when this function is called. 当调用该函数时,将返回未定义的值. 互联网摘选 12、 The resultundefinedand will probably result in a serious run-time failure. 其结果未定义,很可能导致严重的运行时错误. 互联网摘选 ...