支政易在上机编译时,出现“undefinedreferenceto`WinMain@16'”是什么原因?支政易支政易 A. 某个变量未定义 B. main函数不存在 C.
在上机编译时,出现“undefined reference to `WinMain@16'”是什么原因?A.某个变量未定义B.main函数不存在C.函数定义错误D.函数重
undefined reference to'WinMain@16'意思为提示找不到 WinMain 函数 int main() 写成了 int mian() ,即找不到函数
\MinGW\lib\libmingw32.a(main.o):main.c||undefined reference to `WinMain@16' 大概意思是WinMain未定义。WinMain是windows程序的入口函数,一般来说没有main函数或者main函数名拼写错误的话会在编译的时候报这个错。我检查以后,发现main应该是正确的。
I have read:undefined reference to `WinMain@16'& still don't understand my problem. I had a program that was working. Added a class but had not implemented it into the program yet just wrote the header and .cpp file. The program previous to just adding this class worked and now it do...
undefined reference to 'WinMain@16' 意思为提示找不到 WinMain 函数,有几种可能: http://1.int main() 写成了 int mian() ,即找不到函数。2.有可能是找不到一个参数字节总数为16个的XXX函数。
After I added it back to the active project, I stopped getting the undefined reference to winmain16, and the code compiled. Edit: It's also worthwhile to check the build settings within your IDE. (Not sure if this error is related to having recently updated the IDE - could be causal ...
1、把主函数 main() 写成了mian()2、没写主函数main()3、建的不是控制台应用程序 console application 4、[code]include <allegro5/allegro.h> int main() { return 0;} [/code]/*---改成下面的形式, 供参考---*/ include <allegro5/allegro.h> int main(){ return 0;} END_OF_MA...
The problem is that when I build a file with a main function it compiles fine, but when it is done with wWinMain that error happens and I don't know how to fix it. I'll really appreciate if someone can help me with this. c++ visual-studio-code window mingw Share Improve this ques...