main.o: In function `main': main.c:(.text+0x7): undefined reference to `test' collect2: ld returned 1 exit status 这就是最典型的undefined reference错误,因为在链接时发现找不到某个函数的实现文件,本例中test.o文件中包含了test()函数的实现, 所以如果按下面这种方式链接就没事了。 gcc -o mai...
中定义的函数时(程序内部定义的函数不涉及这个问题,因为函数的实现已经在自己的代码段、数据段中了),连接器会在三方库中搜索当前符号表中未定义的符号(这些未定义的符号需要在三方库中定位到,否则就会出现对xxx函数未定义引用),当在三方库的符号表中找不到对应的符号时,就会报undefined reference to xxx function。
I had the program working fine before I started changing the data type from int to use templates. This is the error I get: g++ -c UseList.cpp g++ -c List.cpp g++ UseList.o List.o -o UseList UseList.o: In function `main': UseList.cpp:(.text+0xee): undefined reference to `Li...
The command that i use to compile : g++ main.cpp operations.cpp -o MCalc And this is the error: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 /usr/bin/ld: /tmp/ccu4lnbQ.o: in function'main_window::on_result_button_clicked()'operations.cpp: (.text+0x915): undefined reference to'te_compile'/usr/bin/ld:...
undefined reference to “functionA” 在既有的一个c库基础上(c源代码),开个jni接口给Android App使用,竟然折腾了两个小时,郁闷死我了。不过总算搞定了,呵呵。 有个顽固的错误,搞得我不知所措,最后发现竟然是因为我的jni代码后缀cpp,而c库中分开放接口的头文件没有加可被c++使用的申明,导致出现“undefined ...
Eclipse error undefined reference to pcap function I had the same problem in Eclipse. I order to link this library to your project, right click the project in "Project Explorer" (short view) and choose "Properties". On the left go to "C/C++ Build" > "Settings" and on the "Settings"...
undefined reference to `Snapshot::operator== 1. 2. 随后把inline去掉就正常了。 网上查了一下问题原因如下所示: 如果将函数的实现放在头文件中,那么每一个包含该头文件的cpp文件都将得到一份关于该函数的定义,那么链接器会报函数重定义错误。 如果将函数的实现放在头文件,并且标记为 inline 那么每一个包含该...
C: undefined reference to inline function Ask Question Asked3 years, 1 month ago Modified1 year, 7 months ago Viewed3k times 2 Since my last question was closed because of bad code style and typo, I reviewed it and ask for help again. ...