The function (or variable) void foo() was defined in a C program and you attempt to use it in a C++ program: void foo(); int main() { foo(); } The C++ linker expects names to be mangled, so you have to declare the function as: extern "C" void foo()...
you only need to specify the name of the public NDK library# you want to add. CMake verifies that the library exists before# completing its build.find_library( # Sets the name of the path variable.
1.在Makefile中添加 libgcc.a 路径,如下图: 2.修改Makefile后,再次编译,会出现undefined reference to `raise',解决方法如下: 在工程文件夹中任一.c文件中添加 int raise(void)函数,具体如下图: PS: 本人在main.c 中定义了该函数。 注:int raise 函数也可以 定义成 如下: 该函数定... 查看原文 arm-...
Then I want to use this library in a C++ project. I wrapped an extern "C" around the include of the header files to eliminate name mangling. However, I got linker errors for the library functions (undefined references). The C++ project adds an "__imp_" to the name of c functions. ...
I reread your answer and saw the C/C++ refresher, then accordingly changed the code in UartCommunication.c to: #include "UartCommunication.h" uartCommunication_parameters uartCommunication; By simply deleting the extern, and indeed the code does now compile. Thank you for your...
// header file: lib.h extern int i; // source file: lib.cpp int i; (note: it is better to always define an initialization value, so for instance int i = 0;). The two files (A and B) both have the line extern int i; in they, which means "there exist a variable called ...
Can you tell me how I should go about that? Can it be done through an environment variable? Author Hm ok, I can reproduce that. I thought I had checked it worked with netlib, but apparently not. I don't like this mess. Personally I just use this to circumvent it: ...
cannot declare variable ‘impl’ to be of abstract type ‘CountingPlayer’ because the subclass becomes abstract But if I include the declaration ('bool Method(struct x, struct y)') in the subclass implementation, I get the 'undefined reference to vtable' error. ...
If the build still fails, you might be missing anextern “C”clause in the headers. Seethis tutorialfor a detailed step-by-step explanation. Finally, we will demonstrate a runtime error. Deploy the built program to your target and run “ld <Binary Name>”: ...
elf/8.4.0/../../../../xtensa-esp32-elf/bin/ld.exe: esp-idf/main/libmain.a(BluetoothService.cpp.obj):(.literal._ZN16BluetoothService31esp_blufi_gap_register_callbackEv+0x0): undefined reference to `esp_blufi_gap_event_handler(esp_gap_ble_cb_event_t, esp_ble_gap_cb_param_t*)...