I have a c library. The build works fine. Initially, it was a DLL build. but I changed it do a static library and removed the dll export things. Then I want to use this library in a C++ project.I wrapped an extern "C" around the include of the header files to eliminate name ...
1C++新手问题:编译时提示:[Linker error] undefined reference to `operator*(double,complex c我想写一个复数乘实数的函数(其中的复数是一个叫complex的class):class complex{private:double m_r; //实部double m_i; //虚部public:complex operator*( double x) ;friend complex operator*( double x,complex&...
C/Debug" -g3 main.o(.text+0x1d3): In function `main': C:/Dev-Cpp/Myprojects/main.cpp:9: undefined reference to `sc_core::sc_clock::sc_clock(char const*, double, sc_core::sc_time_unit, double)' main.o(.text+0x1f3):C:/Dev-Cpp/Myprojects/main.cpp:12: undefined reference ...
but you never told the Linker where the heck it is and therefore you get the "unknown reference" By adding the library to the project and linking it you will see this error go away because the Linker will say "Hey dude! I know where this function implementation is!" ...
But i got a linker-error! $ g++ -lgflags a.cpp /tmp/cchKYAWZ.o: In function `main': /home/wonter/gflags-2.2.1/build/a.cpp:6: undefined reference to `google::ParseCommandLineFlags(int*,char***,bool)' /tmp/cchKYAWZ.o: In function `__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int,...
(common.crash_report_database.o): in functionstd::_MakeUniq<crashpad::FileWriter>::__single_object std::make_unique<crashpad::FileWriter>()': [build] /usr/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/../../../../include/c++/9/bits/unique_ptr.h:857: undefined reference tocrashpad::...
今天搭建了一个Eclipse+MinGW的C++开发环境,Eclipse的使用就是方便。于是,就写了一个socket程序,MinGW支持winsock2,但到编译的时候总是报错:undefined reference to `inet_addr@4'undefined reference t
Eclipse c++ 中[Linker error] undefined reference to `WSAStartup@8’的解决办法 出现原因:在Eclipse中使用MinGW编译器的API,底层调用的是windows系统的API函数,需要链接windows的库。 问题解决: 右键工程->Properties->C/C++ Build->Settings->Tool Settings->MinGW C Linker,在Command line pattern中添加标记...
头文件 没加 include <stdio.h> include <stdlib.h> max2函数里的printf没拼对
link error: undefined reference to reference Dec 1, 2014 at 2:36am wolfv (222) Please tell me were this error is coming from: obj/l_Key_Layered.o:l_Key_Layered.cpp:(.text+0xa): undefined reference to `l_Key_Layered::refLayerManager' obj/l_Key_Layered.o:l_Key_Layered.cpp:(....