This is clearly because there was no support for Promise.allSettled in react-native until the very recent versions. Would you insert a polyfill in here to support "older" versions of react native?@Murderlon I'll create an expo snack by the way to test the compatibility of uppy with react-...
您会得到这个错误TypeError: undefined is not a function (near '...state.reduce...'),因为state...
原因是react 16将createClass移除了,使用es6语法,如果必须使用es5创建类的话,请使用create-react-class包,请参考 官方文档代码 varReact=require("react");varcreateReactClass=require('create-react-class');import{StyleSheet,View,Text}from'react-native';varMyComponent=createReactClass({render(){return(<Viewst...
React-Native undefined is not a function (near '...addListener...') 图片 前言 写RN总归是要佛系一点,比如之前并没有这个bug,版本更新又降级后就出了这个问题,最后没有办法查了很多资料才发现是react navigation的问题。 我的代码中 render() { return ( <AppNavigator navigation={ addNavigationHelpers({...
Not sure why I'm getting this error, but here's my code: const eventsRef = firebase.firestore().collection("events"); const locationsRef = firebase.firestore().collection("locations"); const geoFirestore = new GeoFirestore(locationsRef);...
fileSystem.statSync is not a function 1346 1 4 this.$emit is not a function 2161 0 9 TypeError: utf-8 is not a function 1098 0 3 'users' is not a registered namespace 2363 0 3 在判断如 a === undefined 时, 用3等还是2等 838 0 2 ...
报错“undefined is not a function”可能是因为dd对象上不存在searchMap这个方法。请确认您使用的钉钉小...
TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function TypeError: Cannot read property '<prop-name>' of undefined and aliketype errors. js程序猿都能体会下面这个笑话的讽刺意味: functionundefined() {// problem solved} 为了减小此类错误的风险,你就必须要理解什么时候会出现undefined。并且更重要的是要去减少它的出现...