1.基本TEX引擎给出的错误 这类错误一般都是以一个感叹号开头,后面是错误信息的描述。 ! Undefined control sequence 所使用的命令未被定义。通常是命令名拼写出错,或是忘记引入该引用的宏包。 ! Missing{inserted.或者!Missing} inserted TEX发现缺少分组的花括号。产生这个错误信息的位置与实际造成错误的代码可能还有...
~$R$是~$X$上的一个~$\sigma$-环,并且~$$X=\bigcup_{E\in R}E$$ 称~($X,...
article只有part section没有chapter的,文章不可能有章的。book类才有chapter。
When i use the Knit button on rstudio everything works fine, however when i use rmarkdown::render i get the error ! Undefined control sequence. \grffile@filename ->. This was also happening when I added fig.align = 'center' to the plot chunk in the Rmd file. my YAML looks like:...
没有做任何改动,突然出现 ucasthesis.cls error \proofname undefined. \renewcommand{\proofname} ,还有 undefined control sequence \ctexset,请问如何解决? 编译环境 / Compilation Environment TeX Live 描述问题 / Problem Description 问题描述: 日志文件 / .log file...
5332 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+200000 13349 words of font info for 33 fonts, out of 3000000 for 9000 1141 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191 23i,10n,43p,155b,196s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,50000s{C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.9/fonts/enc/dvips/...
I'm trying to use the following journal's Template and I got errors "Undefined control sequence" for any added section. They have included two Tex files and none of them worked for me. Some suggest to update MiKTex and I did. Other suggest to change the class file, which is not allowe...
! Undefined control sequence Before, I was unable to compile and saw another question that had been answered and added \usepackage{etex} to my code. Now, upon compiling I get the afforementioned undefined control sequence in reference to a \delete Here is a MWE: \documentclass[a4...
{ 可测函数及其性质}\subsection{可测函数}\textbf{定义1.1.1} 设~$X$是基本空间,~$R$是~$X$上的一个~$\sigma$-环,并且~$$X=\bigcup_{E\in R}E$$ 称~($X,R$) 是可测空间,相应地,称~$R$中的每个元素~$E$~是~($X,R$)上的可测集,简称为可测集,特别地,当~$X$ 是实数直线~$E^1$...