\chapter 文心快码BaiduComate 在LaTeX中遇到“undefined control sequence. \chapter”错误,通常意味着\chapter命令在当前上下文中没有被定义或无法识别。以下是一些可能的解决步骤和原因分析: 确认文档类: \chapter命令是在支持章节结构的文档类中定义的,如book或report。如果你的文档类是article,它不支持\chapter命令...
在 LaTeX 中,你可以使用 `chngcntr` 宏包来实现这一点。通过添加 `\usepackage{chngcntr}` 并设置章节编号规则,例如使用 `\counterwithout{figure}{chapter}` 来确保图表编号与章节编号同步,从而实现类似“表 3.1”、“表 3.2”等自动编号。通过以上步骤,不仅能够解决 "Undefined control sequen...
编译不通过 但修改成 \gdef\CTEX@prechapter{\CTEX@appendixname}\gdef\CTEX@thechapter{\CTEX@appendixnumber}\gdef\CTEX@postchapter{} 并加上 \renewcommand{\appendixname}{Appendix~\Alph{chapter}}\renewcommand\appendixname{附\ 录} 就可以编译通过。 7 years agoby...
hi 师兄你好,我在尝试编译 main.tex 的时候遇到了一些问题,其中一处明显的报错是:附件log 的 2445 - 2447 行,提示 Undefind control sequence,thechapter 和appendixnumber 应该是 CTeX 的命令,我的机器上也确实安装了 CTeX.(./docs/appendix1.tex ! Undefined control sequence. \CTEX@thechapter ->\CTEX@app...
错误提醒是这样的! ..错误提醒是这样的,! Undefined control sequence.\f@ncyoch ->\pushziti \zihao {5}\song
article只有part section没有chapter的,文章不可能有章的。book类才有chapter。
--top-level-division=chapter -N --toc --toc-depth=2 \After running make though I am getting:fatal: your current branch 'master' does not have any commits yet > Error producing PDF. ! Undefined control sequence. <recently read> \passthrough l.7517 \passthrough make: *** [pdf] Error ...
Note:It is advised to dedicate a Segment to only one type of use. Each Data Element that can belong to a sort key must be referenced by a unique alphabetic or numeric character. It is advised to reference the indicators by a series (1, 2, 3 for example). The actual sort sequence is...
Undefined control sequence. l.942 \file_get:nnN {unicode-math-table.tex} {} \l__um_mathtable_tl Feb 5, 2020 yihui changed the title version 1.18 and 1.18.6 not knitting to PDF due to ! Undefined control sequence. l.942 \file_get:nnN {unicode-math-table.tex} {} \l__um_math...
!Package etoolbox Error:\scr@load@hook undefined. See the etoolbox package documentationforexplanation. Type H<return>forimmediate help. ... l.55\renewrobustcmd*\scr@load@hook [2]{%? Below is the full log file: This is pdfTeX, Version 3.141592653-2.6-1.40.22 (TeX Live 2021/W32TeX) ...