没有实体的对象称为空对象。只用对象的引用,而不存在引用的实体对象 就叫做空对象 在常见的强类型语言中,通常有一个表示“空”的值,比如NULL。但是在Javascript中,空(或者叫“无值”)有两种选择:undefined和null。 在Javascript中除了这两个值其他都是对象。其他的基本类型都有其对象的包装类型。但是,typeof null...
而null是代表了缺失对象引用。js是不能给null设置变量或者对象属性的。一些原生方法像String.prototype.match()会返回null来表示缺失对象,看一下下面这个例子: letarray =null; array;// => nullletmovie = {name:'Starship Troopers',musicBy:null}; movie.musicBy;// => null'abc'.match(/[0-9]/);//...
在 JS 中,凡是不用的变量,JS 会定期清理掉。当我们把一个对象设置为 null 时,其实也就等于把这个对象标记为不用了,可以垃圾回收了。参考 http://www.ruanyifeng.com/blog/2014/03/undefined-vs-null.htmlhttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/5076944/what-is-the-difference-between-null-and-undefined-in-...
【摘要】 在JavaScript/TypeScript项目中,`undefined`和`null`的值都表示无,`undefined`表示不存在定义,`null`表示定义为空值的一个值;空字符串`''/""`则表示是一个长度为0的字符串。 在JavaScript/TypeScript项目中,undefined和null的值都表示无,undefined表示不存在定义,null表示定义为空值的一个值;空字符串'...
It is quite common to confuse null and undefined, but there is an important difference between them. null Simply put, null is a JavaScript keyword that indicates the absence of a value. Surprisingly, if you run the following in your firebug console: console.log( typeof null ), you will ...
Q: What is the difference betweennullandundefinedwhen working with arrays? A: When you create an array with empty slots, the empty slots will have the valueundefined. However, you can also explicitly set an array element tonullif you want to represent an empty value: ...
TypeScript has two specialvaluesforNullandUndefined. Both representno valueorabsence of any value. The difference betweenNull&Undefinedis subtle and confusing. Prior toTypeScript 2.0, we could assign them all other types like numbers, strings, etc. Such assignment has been the source of a lot ...
Since runtime errors in JavaScript apps often occur when variables that are undefined or null are mishandled, it’s crucial for a developer to understand and differentiate between the two specific primitive values clearly. I hope this article was a helpful guide in understanding the difference betw...
AS3 undefined vs null Believe it or not, there’s a difference betweenundefinedandnull. It may seem redundant to have two constants that represent invalid values/variables, but given the dynamic nature of the ActionScript language, their existence is pretty evident. If you don’t believe me, ...
void 是 JS 中的一个运算符,语法是:void expression 它返回 undefined 的原始值,同时语句中的 ...