PERTANGGUNGJAWABAN PIDANA TERHADAP KONTRAKTOR DALAM HAL TERJADI KECELAKAAN KERJA MENURUT UNDANG – UNDANG NOMOR 3 TAHUN 1992 TENTANG JAMINAN SOSIAL TENAGA KERJAWork accidents are accidents that occurred in connection with the employment ... Purwoto,Solechan,H Pritanti - 《Diponegoro Law Review》 被引...
Pelaksanaan Perlindungan Tenaga Kerja Anak dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan Dihubungkan dengan Pasal 28b Ayat (2) Undang-Und... The entry of children into the work area then initiated the government to make specific regulations as stated in Law Number 13 of 2003 ...
PERLINDUNGAN KESEHATAN PEKERJA WANITA MENURUT PASAL81 AYAT ( 1 ) UNDANG-UNDANG NO 13 TAHUN 2003 TENTANGKETENAGAKERJAAN DI PT. BORNEOEmployee, what ever there gendre is a one of the important factor for cuontrys development. Every employ...
JAMSOSTEK (PERSERO) CABANG MEDAN DENGAN WADAH TENAGA KERJA LUAR HUBUNGAN KERJA (TK-LHK) BINAAN KANTOR PT. JAMSOSTEK (PERSERO) CABANG MEDAN ABSTRAK : Regulation of Labor and Transmigration Minister of Republic of Indonesia Number : Per-/24/Men/VI/2006 concerning the implementation program of Social...
KERAGAMAN APLIKASI PSAK 24 (REVISI 2004) TENTANG IMBALAN KERJA DALAM KAITANNYA DENGAN UNDANG-UNDANG NOMOR 13 TAHUN 2003 TENTANG KETENAGAKERJAAN 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 12 作者:DMP Priyadi,DS Praptoyo 摘要: The purpose of this article is to explain application of PSAK 24 (...
Efektivitas Program Asuransi Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI) Sebagai Upaya Pemenuhan Hak-hak TKI (Studi pada Unit Pelaksana Teknis Pelayanan Penempatan dan Perlindungan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia Surabaya) Effectiveness of the Indonesian Labor Insurance Programme (TKI) as the fulfillment of the TKI Rights Eff...
The aim of this thesis is to answer the problem concerning law position of individual surety (borgtocht) toward financing in PT BNI Syariah Bank, moreover about law position of PT. BNI Syariah Bank toward bankrupt insurer if the customer who receives guaranteed finance fails to fulfill the obli...
PERLINDUNGAN HUKUM TENAGA KERJA DAN PENGUSAHA DALAM PELAKSANAAN PERJANJIAN KERJA PASAL 59 BERDASARKAN UNDANG- UNDANG NOMOR 11 TAHUN 2020 TENTANG CIPTA KERJA 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 147 作者: N Purnama 摘要: Persons with disabilities constitute the highest minority group in the world. ...
The Icwness income ratio to regional state budget d Klaten is the problem, wWch has to be taken an attention by the local g owrrne~, nd so they need to take a an adion to r e d w the situation. This research objediw is to ktxw the income forecasted d Klaten in the year 2001...
PERTANGGUNGJAWABAN PIDANA TERHADAP KONTRAKTOR DALAM HAL TERJADI KECELAKAAN KERJA MENURUT UNDANG – UNDANG NOMOR 3 TAHUN 1992 TENTANG JAMINAN SOSIAL TENAGA KERJAWork accidents are accidents that occurred in connection with the employment ... Purwoto,Solechan,H Pritanti - 《Diponegoro Law Review》 被引...