Lima Undang-undang RI Tahun 1999bacteraemiabacterial diseasesfaecesfrequency distributionhealth centreshuman diseasesinfectionspatientspregnancypyelonephritisCulture wars in Brazil : the first Vargas regime, 1930-1945 Daryle Williams Duke University ...
35 of 2009,SEMA No. 4 of 2010 as The Guideline on the implementation of the rehabilitationof narcotics abusers, but monitoring of the rehabilitation measures notaccommodated in such provisions so that there are gaps in the law enforcementmechanism of action monitoring narotics rehabilitation. 展开...
However, workers can still carry out their protection by not using the Employment Copyright Act and its derivative PP but using a collective labor agreement (PKB) taking into account the conditions that must be met in the implementation of the Collective Labor Agreement should...
PENERAPAN PASAL 4 UNDANG-UNDANG NO.8 TAHUN 1999 TENTANG PERLINDUNGAN KONSUMEN PADA JASA PENGIRIMAN DOKUMEN DI PT. KERTA GAYA PUSAKA PERWAKILAN PURWOKERTONowadays, the issue of consumer protection in Indonesia has encompassed various fields of social life, nd without any exemption, the isuue of ...
The Act was allegedly the product of the identification, construction and regulation of labour during the unification of the Indonesian state's power over society.SuryomenggoloDepartmentJafarDepartmentEBSCO_bspInternational Journal of Comparative Labour Law & Industrial Relations...
Studi morfometri ikan wader goa (Puntius microps Gunther, 1868) yang unik dan dilindungi undang-undangWader goa (Puntius microps) is an endemic sh species and has unique habitat especially at cave in Java, also was protected by Indonesian Government therefore interesting to study. This sh ...
Mathematical and Physical Concepts for Computational Hydraulics, Kil Seong Lee. Munundang Publishing Co., 2008, 459 pp., ISBN: 978-89-7393-505-593530.doi:10.1016/j.jher.2009.02.002Sung-Uk ChoiJournal of Hydro-environment Research
ANALISIS TERHADAP PENCEGAHAN TINDAK PIDANA PENCUCIAN UANG OLEH BANK BNI DI TINJAU DARI UNDANG UNDANG NOMOR 8 TAHUN 2010 TENTANG TPPUFormally, the prevention and eradication of criminal acts of money laundering in Indonesia began on 17 April 2002, ie when the enactment of Law No. 15 of 2002 ...